Tangerang: Sinar Mas Land menargetkan pendapatan sebesar Rp2,8 triliun dari penjualan 1.400 unit properti seperti perumahan, apartemen, hingga kaveling hunian. Target tersebut diperoleh dalam program Infinite Living 2024.
“Kami optimistis target tersebut dapat terpenuhi karena industri properti pada tahun ini diproyeksikan terus bertumbuh serta adanya juga dukungan dari pemerintah berupa penetapan kebijakan insentif yakni pajak pertambahan nilai ditanggung pemerintah (PPN DTP),” kata Deputy Group CEO Strategic Development & Assets Sinar Mas Land Herry Hendarta, Kamis, 23 Februari 2024.
Ia menjelaskan optimisme industri properti ditandai dengan Indeks Harga Properti Residensial (IHPR) triwulan III 2023 yang tumbuh sebesar 1,96 persen (yoy),…
Mongabay is publishing a new edition of the book, “A Perfect Storm in the Amazon,” in short installments and in three languages: Spanish, English and Portuguese.
Predictions indicate that an ecological tipping point will be crossed when 25% of the Amazon’s forests will have been converted to agriculture, just a few percentage points from the current 18%. How can deforestation be stopped?
There are two approaches taken by specialists and academics: the savings approach, which involves using technology to intensify production on the land; and the sharing approach, which seeks to diversify production systems.
For Killeen, both approaches could be…